Sex Work, Stigma & the Media: Pushing Back

Sex Work & Stigma in the Media: Pushing Back

A presentation of ongoing research into representations of sex workers & sex work in the media. Examination of the effects of media portrayals of sex workers & the sex worker community, how public perceptions feed into ongoing stigma and discrimination, & how sex worker advocacy can effectively use media analysis to “push back”, creating greater space for sex worker voices and breaking down whorephobia.

Initial research findings presented at Festival of Sex Work, Research Symposium, 31st May, University of Melbourne

Ongoing Updates at SWSM Research on Twitter

2 thoughts on “Sex Work, Stigma & the Media: Pushing Back

  1. Thanks for the link! – I have also previously linked to a story on you from SWSM on twitter:

    And also have linked to the blog itself just now:

    😉 J.

  2. Pingback: [SOUTH AFRICA] Life As a Transgender Sex Worker | Transitioning Africa Blog

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